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Harvey Gantt's Rise after Fall: The Integration of Clemson College

Harvey Gantt's Rise after Fall: The Integration of Clemson College In-Person

Join Marquise Deont'E Drayton, Community Engagement Assistant, Woodland Cemetery as he digitally tells the story of Gantt's legal battle to enter Clemson as its first minority student in 1963 using archival footage, campus maps, and YouTube visuals. The presentation, first created by Marquise as a class project in  2019, beautifully illustrates the history of integration at Clemson and compares it to the experiences of other efforts in the South. It also won first prize at the Clemson GIS mapping contest the same year. The event includes a privilege walk and activities illustrating barriers that still exist for students of color in higher education.  

Location: Watt Innovation Center Auditorium (1st Floor)


January 26, 2023
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Other - see event description
Watt Family Innovation Center
Registration has closed.