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Active learning using Open Educational Resources (OER) in Stem Education In-Person

Join Dr. Chrissy Spencer from Georgia Tech to learn about how their introductory biology curriculum morphed from commercial textbooks to open education resources (OER), which are low- or no-cost online resources that support their interactive classroom approach to teaching biology to majors and non-majors in a flipped classroom. The session will highlight their no-cost OER and low-cost online homework system, present evidence to support the efficacy of the OER and flipped classroom approach in Georgia Tech's large-lecture biology courses, and provide interactive ideas about how to build a student-centered classroom.

Bio: Dr. Chrissy Spencer is a Senior Academic Professional in the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech, where she teaches, advises undergraduates, coordinates teaching assistants, and conducts research on biology education centered around open education resources. She is an author on all three open education textbooks produced for the introductory biology curriculum at Georgia Tech and is the course coordinator for the non-science majors course, the Biology of Sex and Death.

March 4, 2019
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Brown DRL (Cooper 416)
Cooper Library
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